How do we maintain the character and vitality of the Monadnock Region for the next 30 years? We celebrate it, both here at home and outside the region.

icon of Mount Monadnock as an outline in white


With an eye toward the future of this wonderful place where we live and work, we have undertaken a comprehensive regional branding initiative. Soon we will “shout it from the mountaintop,” encouraging our young people to establish roots here, and enticing new people to visit, live, learn and work in the Monadnock Region.

icon of Mount Monadnock as an outline in white

Who Is Doing This?

This initiative to Promote the Region is managed by the Greater Keene and Peterborough Chamber using Federal funds under award 01-79-15111 from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

icon of Mount Monadnock as an outline in white

help us launch!

If you are one of the region’s hospitality providers (inns, hotels, shops, restaurants, vacation rentals, etc.), a representative for a local employer or community based organization, or someone with a passion for all things Monadnock, please contact us and help us launch.

Gold icon of Mount Monadnock for events

In The News

How do you create a brand for a place? Our region’s very own Caroline Tremblay lays it all out in a fabulous article in the Daily Yonder:

Green icon of Mount Monadnock for recommendations

Coming Soon!

We'll have a comprehensive website to showcase what makes our region so special; social media accounts dedicated to all things Monadnock Region; and a media & marketing strategy to broaden our reach.

Orange icon of Mount Monadnock for videos

Download Our Presentation

Learn more about our branding project and share with your team:

icon of white Monadnock Mountain logo as an outline

Contact us

For more information, or to learn how you can help, please contact us.

Stay informed

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter that will highlight what’s happening locally:

icon of Mount Monadnock as an outline in white
48 Central Square  |  Keene, NH  |   603-352-1303
©2022 monadnock region
Circle icon on Mount Monadnock

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White circle outline of the monadnock mountain

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