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A place to live and learn


The Monadnock Region is a great place for students of all ages to learn, starting in preschool and continuing through college at acclaimed institutions of higher learning, along with resources for continuing education.

colleges & universities

Home to numerous institutions of higher learning, the Monadnock Region boasts Keene State College, Antioch New England, Franklin Pierce University, River Valley Community College, and more. 

Kindergarten-12th grade

If you’re thinking about relocating to the Monadnock Region, here you’ll find award-winning public, charter, private and homeschooling options that provide the skills and grounding young people need to succeed.

schools, colleges & universities

Find out more about the colleges, private/charter K-12 schools, and SAUs (School Administrative Units, aka public school districts) where young people can learn, grow, and thrive among peers.

Colleges | Private + Charter Schools

icon of a graduation cap

Colleges | Private +
Charter High Schools

icon of a school book

Private + Charter
Schools Pre-K – 8th

SAU Public Schools

Icon of a school building in yellow for SAU 1


Icon of a school building in purple for SAU 87

SAU 87

Icon of a school building in green for SAU 93

SAU 93

Icon of a school building in blue gray for independent SAUs


Icon of a school building in pale orange for SAU 47

SAU 47

Icon of a school building in teal for SAU 29

SAU 29

Icon of a school building in lavender for SAU 60

SAU 60

Why internships?


Visiting the Monadnock Region to learn more about our educational opportunities? Take a look at all our communities have to offer. 

For College Students and Families

For K-12 Students and Families

students of thriving


Here in the Monadnock Region, you’ll always find special events geared toward students of all ages, both on- and off-campus. Here are just a few or click here to browse all events. 

Valentine’s Day with The Schumann Quartet





Romance, Mozart, Prokofiev, and Smetana in a beautiful rural setting.

The Thing in the Spring




Four day music festival with over 30 acts of music and art.

school news


college student

Hannah: When my family first visited Keene State I was hoping to fall in love with the campus. What I didn’t know then was that I would also fall in love with downtown Keene. Coffee shops, vintage clothing, cool little stores, and performance spaces all within walking distance. And my parents always want to visit!

Jaime Novak

Jaime novak


Jaime: I came here for College in 2002, and have never left. It has always felt like home with many outdoor hiking and biking adventures available within a short drive, as well as some good shopping and good local restaurants. The rail trail is great for jogging, walking or biking with family and friends. Prior to having kids, I played softball in the local league at Wheelock Park, which is now the same park that I am visiting often to take my two sons to their baseball games.  Keene is a great community to raise my family, it has good schools (one of which I am lucky to teach at), many programs and activities available for kids, and a caring community of people that get to know and support one another. It has the small town feel that I grew up with, however with many more people which also brings more opportunities and businesses which I appreciate. I feel lucky to be a part of such a friendly and supportive community.


ritu budakoti


Ritu: By profession I am an educator, I teach 8th grade Science at the Keene Middle School. By passion I am a community builder. I tirelessly work towards building our community into a welcoming and inclusive place. I am a founder and President of regions first Keene India Association, Chair of Keene International Festival, Member of Keene Human Rights committee, Advisor at The daily Good and Trustee Member of The Keene Public Library. 

For newcomers to the Monadnock region, I would suggest taking the time to explore the area’s natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities, including hiking trails, lakes, and parks. Engaging with the local community through events, farmers’ markets, and multicultural festivals such as Keene International festival can help newcomers connect with their new surroundings and meet fellow residents. 

Nick and Louisa Burns, Co-founders, Ashulot Concerts

Nick and Louisa Burns

Co-founders, Ashuelot Concerts

Nick: “We were living in London when Louisa got pregnant with our first son. The question was, Well, we probably need to move out of the city—where are we going to move to? We’re big outdoors people, and we wanted to live somewhere where we could hike and ski and counterbalance our incredibly intense professional life with something beautiful. I had visited New England as a teenager, and it had sort of seeped into my system. So I Googled ‘best small towns in New England’ and Louisa was dropping pins on Google Maps and looking around on Street View, and we turned to each other simultaneously and said, “Have you heard of this place called Keene?”

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