Be smart: Earn while you learn! These businesses participate in apprenciticeship programs that pay you to work and attend school to earn professional certification for career advancement. Get ahead, debt free!
With no income tax in New Hampshire, when you live and work in the Monadnock Region, you take home more of your pay. See for yourself!
With no income tax in New Hampshire, when you live and work in the Monadnock Region, you take home more of your pay. See for yourself!
Hover over the states to see the comparison to New Hampshire’s income tax advantage and see how your money could go further.
That’s a range of $2850 to $3706 savings in taxes each year that you can save and put towards a small home improvement project, a special vacation, investing in your retirement, or so many other things.
*Calculations are estimates based on tax rates as of Jan. 2023 and data from the Tax Foundation.
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